Fraud Blocker דילוג לתוכן המרכזי בעמוד
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Data Logger

Capture measurements for record keeping and analysis. Manual capture or automatic based on user-set time interval. Download to PC

Our systems can be equipped with an on-board data logger that is perfect for long or short-term load testing or monitoring.

Capable of capturing load measurement with the push of a button or automatically based on a fully customizable time interval.

The data logger option is ideal for customers seeking to generate reports of a load test (e.g. bollard pull) or for those seeking long-term load measuring on anchor points or lifting structures.

Our data logger can even assist in generating daily activity reports of cranes and other lifting appliances.

Onboard memory is suitable for capturing up 50,000 measurements including NET/GROSS status, overload events and detailed date/time data.

Call Us:

US / Canada / International: 1-888-778-8064

UK: 0800 8620354


US / Canada / International: 1-888-778-8064

UK: 0800 8620354


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