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Preventable Accidents

Examples of accidents caused by structural collapse when overload prevention systems were not installed. Structural collapses occur mainly due to overload, or sometimes overload combined with extreme weather conditions

Examples of accidents caused by structural collapse when overload prevention systems were not installed. Structural collapses occur mainly due to overload, or sometimes overload combined with extreme weather conditions


The below photos (after and before) show an accident in one of the largest exhibition centers in Germany that occurred in April 2023 due to an overload on the video wall. Luckily, it happened overnight so no one was hurt. 


Katowice (Poland) Convention Center roof collapse 28 January 2006 Hanging load together with the load of the snow on the roof caused a roof collapse and 65 people died in the collapse; many more were wounded

Christina Aguilera Justin Timberlake Truss collapse Atlantic City NJ August 2003

Three stagehands were injured. Almost everyone left for dinner minutes before the collapse. The show was cancelled. The estimated $1 million in damage to the tour's equipment has put the entire tour on hold. 

Heineken Jammin' (Italy) Festival rig collapse June 2007

Rieu Accident April 2004

Atlanta GA (Philips Arena) January 2008


Montego Bay May 2005

Greenfield Festival 2005

Las Vegas Truss Collapse - Industrial Show 2005




Chicago Auto Show 2006 - Truss failure


Can Cun collapse 2005

Pretoria stage collapse August 2003

Truss collapse at Miss Kansas Pageant June 2008


Stage collapse at Rocklahoma 12 July 2008 

Atlanta GA stage collapse (Akon) October 2007


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