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49 Years Expertise / 5 Years Warranty

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Quality Assurance

Our Commitment to Quality

We are committed to delivering the highest quality load monitoring and overload prevention systems and design all of our systems with specifications that meet the highest  safety standards.

Our Quality Management Program

At Eilon Engineering, we know that you rely on our load monitoring systems to increase the safety of rigging, moving and lifting, as well as prevent overloads. An overload potentially endangers millions of dollars of equipment, and even more importantly, human lives. This is why we operate according to a strict quality management system with annual audits by Lloyd’s Register LRQA

ISO 9001 Certified Total Quality Management

All our Research & Development, manufacturing and calibration laboratory are certified according to the ISO 9001 total quality management standard and audited by Lloyd’s Register LRQA on site.



Call Us:

US / Canada / International: 1-888-778-8064

UK: 0800 8620354


US / Canada / International: 1-888-778-8064

UK: 0800 8620354


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