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Warnings & Safety

All Cautions & Warnings, System Specifications and Operating Manual, must be read carefully before any attempt to use Ron load monitoring systems.

All products are supplied with the express understanding that the purchaser and/or operator have familiarized themselves with their correct application and proper use.

Ron Crane Scales will assume no responsibility for the misuse or misapplication of any of its products.

In addition to these guidelines, the user must also comply with general safe operating practice, and when using the systems for weighing during lifting, the user must also comply with safe operating practice during lifting.

The load limit rating (or "capacity") indicates the maximum force or load a system can carry under normal working conditions. Overloading (Placing a load on the system above its rated capacity) is dangerous and is therefore STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Only during annual safety testing of the system, to be performed by authorised safety inspector may the system be overloaded of up to 125% of rated capacity.

Ron Crane Scales will accept no liability for damages caused by failure of the product as the result of its working load limit (capacity) being exceeded or as the result of abuse or negligence.

Repairs of Ron Crane Scales system can only be performed by an Eilon Engineering Authorized Service Representatives. Any attempt made by unauthorized personnel to repair, disassemble or modify the product will void the warranty, nullify manufacturer’s liability and potentially render the system unsafe.

When measuring loads using shifted Zero or Tare, actual load= Indicated value (value displayed) + Value of shifted zero or tare. Care must be taken to avoid accidental overloads when using Zero or Tare.

Our systems are designed for applications requiring frequent and repeated use, for applications requiring operation under continuous load, over extended periods of time, use of a system with at least 30% higher rated capacity (load limit) is required. For example: a 3t crane should be used with a 5t load system.

The system is designed for measuring static loads. Ron Crane Scales or other qualified engineering personnel should be consulted before using the system to measure dynamic loads.

Avoid bending, side loading and off-axis loading.

When installing the load cell, special attention is required when choosing connecting hardware (shackles, etc) All hardware must permit free movement. Bending of the load cell must be prevented.

Use of shackles with a S.W.L. (Safe Working Load) equal to, or greater than the system's maximum capacity is required.

Inspect the system thoroughly before use, including the lifting accessories and hardware included in some of the Ron Crane Scales systems. Do not use a system with signs of damage.

It is recommended to occasionally verify accuracy of the system by lifting a known load with a value of more than 50% and less than 100% of the system's rated capacity (load limit).

System calibration should be performed annually, in an authorized laboratory, unless laws, regulations, or other policies specify other intervals for calibration.

Between calibrations, the user can verify whether the systems are still calibrated correctly by using a known weight.

Calibration verification and adjustment must be performed with extreme care. Miscalibration or poor adjustment will result in false readings, which will render the system unsafe for use.

Do not use the system with an unknown load if there is any doubt as to the reliability of the load indication.

Operating temperature range, as detailed in the system’s specifications, must not be exceeded,

Do not to expose the system to nuclear radiation.

Local environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures, radio transmissions or other sources of electromagnetic radiation may interfere with reliable operation of the system and may cause a false readings, which could prove dangerous. Avoid using the system under such conditions.

The system is not explosion-proof and should not be used in hazardous areas.

Unless otherwise specified, Ron Crane Scales products are not legal for trade.

Each system consists of a load cell and a matched indicator.

Important: If you own several systems, make sure that each load cell is only used with its original indicator. Load cells and indicators are calibrated as matched pairs and are non-interchangeable.

It is the responsibility of the user of this equipment to ensure that normal safety precautions are observed at all times.

No amount of safety features and engineering can be a substitute for common sense and the desire to work safely.

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UK: 0800 8620354


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UK: 0800 8620354


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