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100 Ton Dynamometers


When buying 100-ton dynamometers there are various factors one should consider before making a purchase: 

  • Quality and safety
  • Accuracy and resolution
  • Portability 
  • Special features
  • Display type and size
  • Wireless capabilities


Ron 2150S - Wired Dynamometer
Ron 2150 Wired Dynamometer with 2"/50mm Attachable Display has excellent readability - with 300 ton weighing capacity. See options to enhance performance
Ron 2125S - Wired Dynamometer
Ron 2125 Wired Dynamometer with 1"/25mm Attachable Display for heavy industries has unique 2000 battery life-up to 300 ton weighing capacity. See options
Ron 2000S - Wired Dynamometer
Exceptionally small and lightweight. Low cost and available with wide variety of options.
Ron 2501S - Wireless Dynamometer
Ron 2501 Wireless Dynamometer with up to 300 ton weighing capacity Has dynamic 2000 hours battery life with added option of 4000 hours See range of choices

What is a 100-ton dynamometer?

Before we answer that question, first we need to clarify just what a dynamometer is. The short answer is that it’s a device used to measure force, torque, or power. But there are actually several types of dynamometers—not just different sizes or capacities.

While some types like engine dynamometers are used with vehicles, and others like hand grip dynamometers measure grip strength, tension or crane dynamometers function much like a crane scale. The primary difference between them is that crane scales use an upper shackle and lower hook, while crane dynamometers use both an upper and lower shackle.  

This means that a 100-ton dynamometer is generally used to measure the weight of objects weighing up to 100 tons.

100-ton dynamometer with upper and lower shackles
100-ton dynamometer with upper and lower shackles

Factors to consider when choosing a 100-ton dynamometer

You may already know that you need a dynamometer with a 100-ton capacity. But there are several other considerations to weigh before purchasing a new dynamometer or crane scale.

The load cell body on our 100-ton dynamometers is only about 18 inches in length (45 cm to be exact), meaning it affords a minimum amount of headroom loss. 

That makes this weighing system perfect for applications that call for not only a strong, high-quality dynamometer but also those where space is limited or where conditions are cramped as well.

There are countless applications where 100-ton dynamometers can be used. For example, the picture below shows a 100-ton Ron system being used during a bollard pull test.

A bollard pull test is a measure of the maximum force that a vessel, such as a tugboat, can exert. It involves the vessel pulling against an immovable object such as a bollard. This test measures the pulling or towing power of the vessel, which is an important factor for many operations at sea. It can also help to identify any potential issues with the vessel's engine, propeller, or other components.

Eilon dynamometers are perfect for conducting bollard pull tests. Their compact design makes them easy to transport to and around the job site. And, the optional IP67 environmental sealing makes them able to withstand splashes of water without being damaged. 

Put these factors together with the wireless capabilities of the Ron 2501 system, and you have a radio dynamometer that’s perfect for the job.

Quality and safety

If your application calls for lifting objects close to 100 tons, this means you must be using equipment of substantial size—equipment that invariably comes with a hefty price tag.

Not only that, the larger the objects being lifted, the greater the safety risks involved. 

With that in mind, you’ll want a dynamometer of the highest possible quality to keep your expensive gear and personnel safe. 

With over 45 years of experience in the crane scale and dynamometer market, Eilon Engineering has a global reputation for quality and safety. Our systems are constructed with first-rate materials, including a load cell body made of high-quality, aerospace-grade steel. 

With Eilon Engineering, you’ll get peace of mind knowing you can rely on our proven track record of manufacturing excellence.

Accuracy and resolution

Understanding accuracy and resolution is an important part of choosing the right dynamometer or crane scale.

Resolution is also known as readability or division size. This is the smallest increment of measurement that the system can display. Our crane scales and crane dynamometers all feature excellent resolution:

System capacity  Resolution 
 10-ton dynamometers  2kg/5 lb
 25-ton dynamometers  5 kg/10 lb
 30-ton dynamometers  5 kg/10 lb
 40-ton dynamometers  10 kg/20 lb
 100-ton dynamometers  20 kg/50 lb

But resolution alone isn’t enough—you need high accuracy as well. That’s why all Eilon Engineering dynamometers and crane scales have an industry-leading accuracy of 0.1% of the system’s full scale.

System capacity Accuracy 
 10-ton dynamometers  +/- 10kg/20 lb
 25-ton dynamometers  +/- 25 kg/50 lb
 30-ton dynamometers  +/- 30 kg/60 lb
 40-ton dynamometers  +/- 40 kg/80 lb
 100-ton dynamometers  +/- 100 kg/200 lb


You might not think that portability would be an important factor, given the size of the equipment involved in a 100-ton lift. Yet our 100-ton dynamometer is surprisingly compact and portable compared to other systems of the same capacity. 

Having a portable system can save costs during transport, and save time when using the system on-site.

100-ton dynamometer with pen for scale
100-ton dynamometer with pen for scale

Special features

Depending on the unique nature of your lifting and weighing application, simply knowing the lifted weight might not be enough. 

We offer a range of special features and custom add-ons to support nearly any job, such as:

  • Rechargeable batteries
  • RS-232 output for connection to a PC or automation devices such a PLCs
  • Manual and automatic data logging
  • Totalizer
  • IP67 Offshore sealing
  • Many more

How to select the best display type for your 100-ton dynamometer

Selecting the correct display type for your needs is another important step when choosing a new dynamometer. 

First things first, make sure you select a system with a digital readout, which affords a significant advantage over an analog display. 

Next, understand the size of the display you need. Ask questions like:

  • How many people need to read the display?
  • How far from the display will they be located during the lift?

These will give you an idea of the display type and size required. 

Our crane scales and dynamometers offer both 1-inch and 2-inch handheld or attachable displays. And with our wireless Ron 2501 model, you can add additional displays of various sizes, including a 5-inch LED display that can be read from afar.

Selecting the correct display type for your needs is another important step when choosing a new dynamometer. 

First things first, make sure you select a system with a digital readout, which affords a significant advantage over an analog display. 

Next, understand the size of the display you need. Ask questions like:
How many people need to read the display?
How far from the display will they be located during the lift?

These will give you an idea of the display type and size required. 

Our crane scales and dynamometers offer both 1-inch and 2-inch handheld or attachable displays. And with our wireless Ron 2501 model, you can add additional displays of various sizes, including a 5-inch LED display that can be read from a far distance.

How to take advantage of wireless technology for your 100-ton dynamometer

With larger systems, like a 100-ton dynamometer, you’re likely to want the convenience of a remote, wireless connection. 

Our Ron 2501 S-100 model uses radio frequency to transmit the measurement from the load cell body to the handheld display at a safe distance of up to 150 meters away (in prime outdoor conditions with a clear line of sight). 

Depending on your lifting application, this can be a huge logistic convenience since you won’t have to worry about being close enough to see the reading with an attached display, nor will you have to deal with long extension cables on-site. 

Taking advantage of modern wireless technology is an obvious choice for most applications.

Other high-capacity models

100-ton dynamometers might be big, but they’re not the biggest models in our line. 150-ton dynamometers are another popular size and are used in even larger industrial applications. These include things like proof load testing high-capacity cranes or in other marine applications like shipbuilding or installing undersea cables. 150-ton dynamometers may also be used in various offshore applications in the oil and gas industry, or in aerospace including the weighing of rockets. 

Finally, our very largest dynamometers range between 200 and 300-ton capacities. And though available in wired models, at these sizes, you’ll likely want to choose a radio dynamometer with wireless capabilities that allows operators to remain a safe distance from the heavy lifting equipment.

It may seem like a lot to consider, but no worries! Our experienced team of experts will be happy to walk you through the process and help you find the perfect system for your application. 

Give us a call today at:
US/Canada/Int'l:  1-888-778-8064
UK: 0800 8620354

Or, write to us at:

Lift safe!

What is a 100-ton dynamometer?

Before we answer that question, first we need to clarify just what a dynamometer is. The short answer is that it’s a device used to measure force, torque, or power. But there are actually several types of dynamometers—not just different sizes or capacities.

While some types like engine dynamometers are used with vehicles, and others like hand grip dynamometers measure grip strength, tension or crane dynamometers function much like a crane scale. The primary difference between them is that crane scales use an upper shackle and lower hook, while crane dynamometers use both an upper and lower shackle.  

This means that a 100-ton dynamometer is generally used to measure the weight of objects weighing up to 100 tons.

100-ton dynamometer with upper and lower shackles
100-ton dynamometer with upper and lower shackles

Factors to consider when choosing a 100-ton dynamometer

You may already know that you need a dynamometer with a 100-ton capacity. But there are several other considerations to weigh before purchasing a new dynamometer or crane scale.

The load cell body on our 100-ton dynamometers is only about 18 inches in length (45 cm to be exact), meaning it affords a minimum amount of headroom loss. 

That makes this weighing system perfect for applications that call for not only a strong, high-quality dynamometer but also those where space is limited or where conditions are cramped as well.

There are countless applications where 100-ton dynamometers can be used. For example, the picture below shows a 100-ton Ron system being used during a bollard pull test.

A bollard pull test is a measure of the maximum force that a vessel, such as a tugboat, can exert. It involves the vessel pulling against an immovable object such as a bollard. This test measures the pulling or towing power of the vessel, which is an important factor for many operations at sea. It can also help to identify any potential issues with the vessel's engine, propeller, or other components.

Eilon dynamometers are perfect for conducting bollard pull tests. Their compact design makes them easy to transport to and around the job site. And, the optional IP67 environmental sealing makes them able to withstand splashes of water without being damaged. 

Put these factors together with the wireless capabilities of the Ron 2501 system, and you have a radio dynamometer that’s perfect for the job.

Quality and safety

If your application calls for lifting objects close to 100 tons, this means you must be using equipment of substantial size—equipment that invariably comes with a hefty price tag.

Not only that, the larger the objects being lifted, the greater the safety risks involved. 

With that in mind, you’ll want a dynamometer of the highest possible quality to keep your expensive gear and personnel safe. 

With over 45 years of experience in the crane scale and dynamometer market, Eilon Engineering has a global reputation for quality and safety. Our systems are constructed with first-rate materials, including a load cell body made of high-quality, aerospace-grade steel. 

With Eilon Engineering, you’ll get peace of mind knowing you can rely on our proven track record of manufacturing excellence.

Accuracy and resolution

Understanding accuracy and resolution is an important part of choosing the right dynamometer or crane scale.

Resolution is also known as readability or division size. This is the smallest increment of measurement that the system can display. Our crane scales and crane dynamometers all feature excellent resolution:

System capacity  Resolution 
 10-ton dynamometers  2kg/5 lb
 25-ton dynamometers  5 kg/10 lb
 30-ton dynamometers  5 kg/10 lb
 40-ton dynamometers  10 kg/20 lb
 100-ton dynamometers  20 kg/50 lb

But resolution alone isn’t enough—you need high accuracy as well. That’s why all Eilon Engineering dynamometers and crane scales have an industry-leading accuracy of 0.1% of the system’s full scale.

System capacity Accuracy 
 10-ton dynamometers  +/- 10kg/20 lb
 25-ton dynamometers  +/- 25 kg/50 lb
 30-ton dynamometers  +/- 30 kg/60 lb
 40-ton dynamometers  +/- 40 kg/80 lb
 100-ton dynamometers  +/- 100 kg/200 lb


You might not think that portability would be an important factor, given the size of the equipment involved in a 100-ton lift. Yet our 100-ton dynamometer is surprisingly compact and portable compared to other systems of the same capacity. 

Having a portable system can save costs during transport, and save time when using the system on-site.

100-ton dynamometer with pen for scale
100-ton dynamometer with pen for scale

Special features

Depending on the unique nature of your lifting and weighing application, simply knowing the lifted weight might not be enough. 

We offer a range of special features and custom add-ons to support nearly any job, such as:

  • Rechargeable batteries
  • RS-232 output for connection to a PC or automation devices such a PLCs
  • Manual and automatic data logging
  • Totalizer
  • IP67 Offshore sealing
  • Many more

How to select the best display type for your 100-ton dynamometer

Selecting the correct display type for your needs is another important step when choosing a new dynamometer. 

First things first, make sure you select a system with a digital readout, which affords a significant advantage over an analog display. 

Next, understand the size of the display you need. Ask questions like:

  • How many people need to read the display?
  • How far from the display will they be located during the lift?

These will give you an idea of the display type and size required. 

Our crane scales and dynamometers offer both 1-inch and 2-inch handheld or attachable displays. And with our wireless Ron 2501 model, you can add additional displays of various sizes, including a 5-inch LED display that can be read from afar.

Selecting the correct display type for your needs is another important step when choosing a new dynamometer. 

First things first, make sure you select a system with a digital readout, which affords a significant advantage over an analog display. 

Next, understand the size of the display you need. Ask questions like:
How many people need to read the display?
How far from the display will they be located during the lift?

These will give you an idea of the display type and size required. 

Our crane scales and dynamometers offer both 1-inch and 2-inch handheld or attachable displays. And with our wireless Ron 2501 model, you can add additional displays of various sizes, including a 5-inch LED display that can be read from a far distance.

How to take advantage of wireless technology for your 100-ton dynamometer

With larger systems, like a 100-ton dynamometer, you’re likely to want the convenience of a remote, wireless connection. 

Our Ron 2501 S-100 model uses radio frequency to transmit the measurement from the load cell body to the handheld display at a safe distance of up to 150 meters away (in prime outdoor conditions with a clear line of sight). 

Depending on your lifting application, this can be a huge logistic convenience since you won’t have to worry about being close enough to see the reading with an attached display, nor will you have to deal with long extension cables on-site. 

Taking advantage of modern wireless technology is an obvious choice for most applications.

Other high-capacity models

100-ton dynamometers might be big, but they’re not the biggest models in our line. 150-ton dynamometers are another popular size and are used in even larger industrial applications. These include things like proof load testing high-capacity cranes or in other marine applications like shipbuilding or installing undersea cables. 150-ton dynamometers may also be used in various offshore applications in the oil and gas industry, or in aerospace including the weighing of rockets. 

Finally, our very largest dynamometers range between 200 and 300-ton capacities. And though available in wired models, at these sizes, you’ll likely want to choose a radio dynamometer with wireless capabilities that allows operators to remain a safe distance from the heavy lifting equipment.

It may seem like a lot to consider, but no worries! Our experienced team of experts will be happy to walk you through the process and help you find the perfect system for your application. 

Give us a call today at:
US/Canada/Int'l:  1-888-778-8064
UK: 0800 8620354

Or, write to us at:

Lift safe!

Call Us:

US / Canada / International: 1-888-778-8064

UK: 0800 8620354


US / Canada / International: 1-888-778-8064

UK: 0800 8620354


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